Chocolate Bouquet company say YES! to Same-Sex Marriage in OZ!
Australian gift-delivery firm Gift Rebellion has celebrated the county’s historic same-sex marriage vote by renaming itself to Gift Rebelli-YES.
The team behind Australia’s largest network of gift delivery stores, Edible Blooms, launched the Gift Rebellion brand in the UK earlier this week, days before Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced the result of the vote on Tuesday evening (UK time). More than 12 million people took part in the postal ballot, which resulted in 61.6% of Australians voting in favour of same-sex couples being allowed to wed.
In a show of support to its countrymen and women, Gift Rebelli-YES has renamed its social media channels for 24 hours and replaced the company logo with a rainbow bouquet.
Gift Rebellion is the brainchild of confectionery savvy sisters, Kelly Jamieson and Abbey Baker, who founded Edible Blooms in 2005. The company now delivers a bouquet across Australia and New Zealand every two minutes and is bringing its successful formula to the UK for the first time.
Abbey Baker, Gift Rebellion Co-Founder, says: “Changing the name of your company in the week you have launched is probably going against every business rule going but we thought “why not?”
“We are passionate Australians and so proud of our country for supporting same-sex marriage. Changing our name to Gift Rebelli-YES is just our way of marking what’s a historic day for our country.”
As well as the name change, Gift Rebelli-YES is also running an exclusive launch offer for all customers in the UK. For the next 24 hours, customers can enjoy £10 off at the checkout with the promo code: REBELLIYES
Click here to visit the website.